LCBI Obituaries

Below are the lists of LCBI students, staff and friends where obituaries have been sent
Class of 1922
Class of 1928
Class of 1931
Class of 1935
Class of 1936
Class of 1937
Class of 1940

Aurora (Johnson) Erickson (Bible 1940)

Iver Berg (Bible 1940)

Kerna (Gjesdal) Haugen (Bible 1940)

Knut Graupe (Bible 1940)

Malfrid (Hognestad) Njaa (Bible 1940)

Harry Johnson (Bible 1940)

Clinton Pederson (Bible 1940)

Viola (Ringdal) Johnson (Bible 1940)

Gertrude (Farden) Satre (Bible 1940)

Class of 1943
Class of 1945
Class of 1949

Ivy Rostad (Johnson)  (1948 Bible)

Nina Martinson (Knutson)

Doris Nelson  (Bible)

Johan Arnt Hesje

Arlie Hunter  (1950 Bible)

Malcolm Olson (1949 Bible)

Marion Husum (Jorstad)

Herfried Telke

Lenora Aspen

Jacqueline (Bachelder) Emeringham

Selma (Buvik) Domier

Edith (Christensen) Haun

Imogene (Cotrill) Watt

James Engen

Lyle Hunter

Lavina (Janzen) Smith

Leone (Joel) Snipstead

Gordon MacLachlan

Florence (Nilson) Olson

Annie (Nordahl) Ruttle

Roger Nostbakken

James Peterson

Class of 1978

Iain Webster class of 1978

Daniel James Wahl class of 1978

Class of 1982
Class of 1984
Class of 1989
Class of 1991
Class of 1992
Class of 1994
Class of 1997
Class of 1998
Class of 2002
Class of 2004
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