LCBI Chamber and Concert Choirs
The LCBI Concert choir rehearses three times per week during the school day and is open to any students interested in singing. The LCBI Chamber choir is a smaller extra-curricular group specializing in more advanced choral music. Last year the chamber choir was one of four choirs in Saskatchewan to advance from provincial competition to the Canada West festival.
LCBI Jazz Band
The ultimate goal of instrumental jazz studies is to play jazz well. Our jazz band performs a variety of music from the 12 bar Blues to Latin jazz. Students learn to play by note, by ear, and study improvisation.
LCBI Hand Bell Choir
An exciting addition to our well known music department is a hand bell choir. Learning to make music as a team in a new way is challenging yet very rewarding! The LCBI Hand Bell Choir prepares beautiful pieces to be shared at chapel, during concerts and to accompany the LCBI Concert Choir. This is a fun opportunity to learn to do something new with your peers that is enjoyed and admired by all.

Chamber and Concert Choirs

Jazz Band