Your High School Education just got a lot bigger! Explore the world with LCBI!
The Canadian Rocky Mountains
Join a school trip spending the weekend at Wilderness Ranch and hiking in the beautiful Crowsnest Pass. Individual Trip Cost: $100 (included in the International Student Fee)
Canadian Thanksgiving Homestay
This will be a weekend for international students to stay with their Host Family to celebrate a Canadian Thanksgiving and experience life in a Canadian home.
Edmonton, Alberta
Spend the long weekend going to the West Edmonton Mall for shopping, playing at Galaxyland and enjoying the Waterpark. Take in a concert or hockey game and explore the city of Edmonton. Individual Trip Cost: $400
Canadian Christmas Homestay
Join your Host Family in celebrating Christmas, discovering the traditions, foods and activities that make Christmas special in Canada!
Vancouver and Whistler
Discover the City of Vancouver! Enjoy shopping and site seeing, attend a show, go to the aquarium and experience a local festival. Travel to Whistler Mountain to go skiing or just enjoy the views. Individual Trip Cost: $2500
Toronto and Niagara Falls
Spend the weekend with your host family before flying to Toronto. We will explore the city, attend a sporting event, go up the CN tower and spend a day at Niagara Falls! This will be a fun week seeing a different area of Canada! Feb 23-25 will be spent relaxing with your Host Family before heading back to school. Individual Trip Cost: $2000
May Long Weekend Homestay
This is a weekend to unwind after a busy graduation weekend! Staying with your Host Family you will get to relax and take a much needed weekend off.
Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan
Join in on the Annual LCBI Camping Trip with many other students! This is a great year end event that will include hiking, zip lining, campfires and great games with all of your school friends! Individual Trip Cost: $100 (Included in the International Student Fee)
Future Destinations:
Calgary, Quebec and Montreal, The Canadian East Coast, Northern Saskatchewan, New York City, The Grand Canyon, California
The Experience North America Travel Program fees cover all travel, accommodations, meals and activities (as well as the Homestay fees for our international students). Travel guides and chaperones are provided by LCBI High School. This program is available to all International and Canadian Students of LCBI as well as parents of students. Explore the world with LCBI!
The cost for our full Experience North America travel program is $7500 CDN/year which includes all trips as well as all homestay fees for our international students. Individual trip costs are as listed.
For more information about these trips please contact Kari Alford, Dean of Campus Life, by email at
Please note:
Adjustments to dates, activities or destinations may need to be made due to travel arrangements, travel visas, the interests of the group, etc.
Mission Experience Trips
The purpose of LCBI Mission Experience Trips is to allow students of LCBI to have meaningful experiences and live out their faith in a tangible way. Teams have participated in urban outreaches to people living in poverty and experiencing homelessness, packed food for the hungry at food banks, and cleaned up green spaces to beautify neighbourhoods. There has been participation in cultural exchange with local youth and residents, and work in local schools with students of various ages.
Mexico Mission Trip Feb. 16 – 25, 2024
Join other LCBI students on a service trip to a mission in Mexico where you will serve the staff and children that live there. You will assist with tasks such as yard work, helping in the kitchen, doing renovations and cleaning and you will also get to spend time with the children playing sports and games, taking care of babies and helping out in a day care. This is a life changing experience, learning to serve in a different culture and seeing God’s work first hand in an amazing way.
Past LCBI Mission Experience Trip Locations;
- 2023 – Mission trip to Vincente Guerrero, Mexico
- 2020 – Mission trip to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico
- 2019 – Mission trip to Vicente Guerrero, Mexico
- 2018 – Mission trip to Victoria, BC
- 2017 – Mission trip to Quito, Ecuador
- 2016 – Downtown East Side Vancouver, BC – Partnered with YWAM (Youth With a Mission)
- 2015 – Grenada, West Indies
- 2014 – Ghana – Partnered with Me to We Free the Children
- 2013 – Washington, D.C., USA
- 2013 – Grenada, West Indies

Other Travel opportunities:
Operation Christmas Child – Packing Shoeboxes December 1-2, 2023
We will head to Calgary, Alberta to volunteer with Operation Christmas Child, preparing packed shoeboxes to be
shipped all over the world. This will be a quick but meaningful volunteer opportunity.
“Deeper” Youth Conference January 26-28, 2024
Hosted by Prairie College in Three Hills, Alberta, this youth conference is a great event joining with other Christian
youth to learn, worship and have tons of fun!
“Youth Surge” Youth Conference March 2024
Joining with the students at the Canadian Lutheran Bible Institutes in Camrose, Alberta, we will have piles of fun as we examine, explore and share our faith with one another. Lots of games, activities, worship and growth takes place on this amazing weekend.
Mission Trip to Malawi June 3-13, 2024
Visiting Kuwala Christian Girls School in Malawi will be an eye opening and life changing experience! We will travel to Africa with members of the Kuwala Christian Girls School Canadian Board. While there we will assist in the school
in a variety of ways, leading music, participating in art activities, playing sports, working with them on computers and learning about their sustainable agricultural initiatives, challenges they face and how we can help.
LCBI Summer Travel Club July 2025
This is a staff led student group that has traveled to Eastern Canada, Japan, Italy, Germany, France and Belgium in the past. Our next trip is planned for July 2025 with possible destinations of Australia and New Zealand or England
and Scotland. More information to come!